Testing testing.
Have to say that this app needs a hell of a lot of work. It just is nowhere near ready for prime time. Probably not even ready for alpha testing. Maybe that’s just my assessment, however. I can accept that it might work better for others. It is basically unusable on the BB Storm.
2 thoughts to “Testing the WordPress Blackberry App”
Hi James –Have you checked out the compatibility setting ? From the FAQ: http://blackberry.wordpress.org/faq/Q: The app does not seem to work properly on the Storm. The screen orientation is odd, and scrolling does not work properly. How do I resolve these issues ?A: You need to run the app with Compatibility mode OFF. Go to option-> Advanced options-> Application -> WordPress to change this setting.
Love this Internet thing! Thanks for the pointers Raananbarcohen. I'm going to check it out right now. Will post back if things look rosier for me!