Gotta say that I just love this post! I’ve used the Anaconda theme on an off at my personal site, and really liked the flexibility of the two sidebar widgetized theme. This of course was before I learned how to create multiple sidebars for this site (cause I like widgety things more than Joe does 😉 ). By the time we had modified the crap out of the corporate slave theme, we had nothing that resembled the original theme (on the outside anyway!), but the mash of code inside was pretty gnarly :'(
Finally, I got frustrated and decided that the next week of my life was to be dedicated to learning how to theme in WordPress, and went at re-coding our sites theme from the ground up starting with the default theme, Kubrik, I think it is.
Well, needless to say, there are no attributes to the Corporate Slave theme creators, but I figured if I posted this here, now, there’d be a record to show that we very much appreciated the work they did that was the basis of inspiration for us doing what we did. Grazi!
Original post found here:What makes you happy ? » When a GPL theme is not a GPL theme