As reported on The Official Google Blog today, YouTube is now hosting daily news reports from the (amazingly great!) PBS NewsHour. All very cool and a great way to get the content when you’re not in front of your television.
PBS logo (October 4, 1971 to September 30, 1984) But what if PBS had simply used a service like, The Official Video Licensor?
If you go to the NewsHour page on YouTube, you’ll immediately notice there are no advertisements on the page. Maybe they plan to have in roll spots in an attempt at their video monetization, however, it is unclear how they are going to support their business mode.
With the amazing video licensing that Vidli plans on providing content owners, it would seem to be a no brainer for a company that is generating this much content to consider using their services. Add to this mix the fact that Vidli has some amazing marketing efforts that will virtually ensure somebody like PBS NewsHour would be able to turn a nice profit by promoting their video online.

After nearly 35 years on air, PBS NewsHour recently re-launched its broadcast program and website in an effort to provide viewers with NewsHour content wherever, whenever, and however they want to access it. As part of this transformation, the nightly news program is starting a major new initiative with YouTube.

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