Posting this under Are You Healthy because they say laughter is the best medicine! The guy really does need to calm down! Thanks Jason!
Posting this under Are You Healthy because they say laughter is the best medicine! The guy really does need to calm down! Thanks Jason!
and then you want to probably buy the book. This was a very light and fun way to spend 5 minutes. Give it a whirl, and then let our readers know your thoughts on the site concept, the book, whatever!
My Suburban was ready to start getting packed. I had retrieved my 6’x12′ open box trailer from the welder (where repairs to the tongue had been made). As I was backing, backing and rebacking the trailer down my steep front drive towards my garage, I suddenly heard something different sound-wise coming from under the hood. […]
This is precisely the spirit of sharing that we love at Boldly Going, and Tom has created the sort of company and powered it with the vision to give, and do great things as a result of the companies success. If you have a couple of moments check out the promotional video embedded below, and […]